Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Boy who punched his teacher

If you haven't read the story, read it here :

Poor boy had to go to jail and suffer a blemish on his record as a 'convict'. All the newspaper articles are reporting things from a purely judgmental view of 'pesalah', giving a brief, overgeneralizing account of the 'crime' and the court verdict.

New Era College is the extended medium to keep Independent Schools students in school for a few more years....long enough for them to realize that the education that they had obtained after slaving years in Chinese Independent schools are actually worth virtually nothing. In terms of educational objectives, DJZ and New Era College is one big con job.

I do have an agenda against DJZ and New Era College because as an adult, I see them for exactly who and what they are. They are a political unit, no more, no less and they are responsible for destroying the thousands and thousands of lives of young Chinese Malaysians by preaching an unhelpful political ideology.

I knew it was just a matter of time before one SMART student who has been damaged and repressed became a walking ticking bomb. I knew one of those old geezers were going to get it one day.

Anyway, what happened to him is seriously unfair. Someone ought to interview him and get his side of the story. It could not possibly have been a one-off, impulsive decision. It must have been from a long time of repressed anger.