Saturday, April 4, 2009

Birth of another blog

10 years ago, I promised myself I wouldn't blog, no matter what. I wasn't going to make a fool of myself pretending I could write and doing so on a media that allows me to self-publish. But you know what they say about how, if you stand on the edge long enough, the high-tide will sweep you in sooner or later. 

And here's my 7th blog, the 4th in this particular log-in on - This template/theme is the least likely theme I'd choose for a blog like what i've intended this to be for. But i learned something last week from Thea which made me think, "what the heck, I'd choose pink."

See, Thea has two journals, one beautiful one her aunt from Australia had sent her for her birthday. She leaves that journal laying around where I would find it, making a feigned protest at how Mummy shouldn't read her journals. What she doesn't know is that Mummy knows it's all for show, because she just as much reads my journals, which I keep laying around. Both of us keep our real journals hidden.......

But one day, I found an entry where there was a half-written sentence in the middle of an entire journal....a sentence that was about to 'talk behind my back' and she cut that off mid-sentence and had an arrow pointing to it saying, "I shouldn't write this here." I innocently asked her what that part of the entry was about (by this time, we've settled on a truce where we'd read each other's journals and ideas) and she nonchalantly answered, "Oh, I write the nastiest things about you in my other sweet, pink journal. I have so much anger and hatred towards you that only an extremely sweet-looking journal can neutralize the feelings and make me feel better afterwards."

And from there, I found the idea fitting : Choose a template that has the sweetest and most innocent appeal, to neutralize the saddest, heaviest, angriest feelings I have. 

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